Masonry 3 columns

Recognition of founder tony Ssembatya Kimbowa from ash Berlin
Recognition of founder tony Ssembatya Kimbowa from ash Berlin

The Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (German: Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin, or ASH) is a vocational university for social...

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Kirabo partners with Slum Habitat Initiative
Kirabo partners with Slum Habitat Initiative

On the 21st May 2021, Kirabo Doors Of Hope Foundation represented by Project Coordinator, Harold Jenkins Kyamba and volunteer who is also a...

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Our Partners,  featured in the latest article by ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise.
Our Partners,  featured in the latest article by ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise.

Our Partners, Kids at Hope and Arizona State University ‘s Hope Center are featured in the latest article by ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise. Knowledge...

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